
Sunday, August 31, 2008

Affirmation from

From J.B. Woodward:

As one of Gorman's readers, it has interested me to come across other scholars who have held to one or more of his propositions. Although Gorman's book was born out of his personal Bible study, there are many other confirming witnesses.

Note this entry in the The Condensed Biblical Cyclopedia. It was written by Ashley S. Johnson in 1896. Under the topic, "Creation," the author gives the following summary:

Date. The date of creation cannot be determined. The first statement of the book of Genesis places the time in remote and impenetrable antiquity.

Creator. The writer of Genesis offers no proof of the existence of Jehovah or of the fact that all things were made by Him. (Genesis 1:1-2; John 1:1-3; Colossians 1:15-17; Hebrews 1:10; Hebrews 11:3).

Light. The process of creation had probably been going on for ages before light was created by the fiat of Jehovah (Genesis 1:1, 3; 2 Corinthians 4:4).

Days of Creation. The fact that the creative work had been going on for unnumbered ages, leads the reverent student to the conclusion that the "days" were ordinary periods of twenty-four hours each, and that each product of Almighty power was finished and appointed to its sphere on its designated day. The phrase "evening and morning" occurs six times in the first account of creation, and it cannot be understood except in the light of the above statement.

[emphasis added]

Johnson, Ashley S. "Creation," Condensed Biblical Cyclopedia. Blue Letter Bible. 1 Jul 2002. 31 Aug 2008.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Summary Point #12

Whether celestial bodies were created on day four of Creation Week (Gen. 1:14-19) or simply unveiled then, an observer on earth would visually experience no difference at all, hence, God's textual description could be identical either way.

Therefore, the record of day four provides no compulsion to think "created" (ex nihilo) in Genesis 1:16 when the verb (asah)is allowed its contextual force.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Summary Point # 11

Job 9:7 declares,

"(God) speaks to the sun and it does not shine;
He seals off the light of the stars."

Although a different context, this quotation from Job perfectly explains the "making/doing" of the great lights and stars of day four of the Creation week. The "sealing off" was reduced (diminished) on day one (Gen. 1:3) and unsealed completely on day
four (Gen. 1:14). God sealed, then unsealed the stars.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Summary Point #10

In Luke 23:45, the sun "stopped shining"; its "light failed" at the crucifixion. All agree the sun was then hidden from visibility, not extinguished. Like the three days of darkness in Egypt (Exodus 10:22), and the darkness predicted at the Second Coming (Mark 13:24), these illustrate the darkness before day one of the creation week. The sun had been created and was shinning (Gen. 1:1), but "darkness was on the face of the deep"--the ocean of planet earth (Gen. 1:2).

Monday, August 4, 2008

Summary Point # 9

9) No suggestion is indicated in the record [in Genesis 1] of a temporary illumination for days one to three. That is a forced construct imposed on the text to rescue a mistaken concept. Then another construct is needed to undo the temporary light so the sun can take over on day four. Those imposed ideas (eisegesis) simply are not in the text but are inane inventions. Accept the obscuring cloud of Job 38 made translucent for day one and then transparent for day four and all major problems are solved and completely rational. It is undisputed that God created an earth that was dark. It is
also undisputed that the atmosphere was clear on day four. The atmosphere that produced the darkness on the ocean surface at some time had to be cleared as a logical necessity with no other options; it is supremely reasonable to have it cleared progressively until complete on day four giving visibility to stars. On day four, the great lights and stars are described as having been "given forth" (nathan) in the air. No artificial, temporary light is needed.