
Monday, May 17, 2010

Bruce Waltke's Conclusion

Last month renowned Old Testament scholar Bruce Waltke resigned from Reformed Theological Seminary. In a March 24 release of an interview from 2009 Waltke stated:
"...if the data is overwhelmingly in favor of evolution, to deny that reality will make us a cult…some odd group that is not really interacting with the world. And rightly so, because we are not using our gifts and trusting God’s Providence that brought us to this point of our awareness.”
This statement came as a shock to many of us. The Intelligent Design movement, Dr. Hugh Ross' research, and Young Earth Creationists unite in proving the fallacies of Darwinian evolution.

This announcement from Waltke is another indication of the need for sound, biblical exegesis of Genesis one that harmonizes with valid scientific observation. We believe that Young Biosphere Creationism (as explained in The Age of the Universe book) accomplishes these objectives. May we each use our intellectual and spiritual gifts productively to defend and teach the Who and how of origins.

1 comment:

David Carver said...

I remember when Bruce left Dallas Seminary about 1976(?) Before he left, he preached a marvellous sermon from Isaiah 53 at a prophecy conference at Church of the Open Door in LA. I still have the recording of it. In speaking to the college group at Lake Avenue Church later, he told about his sadness in leaving Dallas because of changing his theology. Now he is speaking like a liberal unbeliever. And yet he seems to be trusting Christ even while agreeing with Darwin! I don't understand it!